How to install TBWF file on watch CLICK HERE


Hello Haylou

First of all, let’s say that the easiest way to upload bin files that you have downloaded from this site or other places to your watch is the HELLO HAYLOU application.
First download the watch interface (bin) file anywhere on your phone. In the Hello Haylou application, enter the “ CUSTOM FILES ” section from the “ Clock Interface ” section , click on the add file button at the bottom, find the bin file of the watch face you want to upload and upload it to the application first. Then click on the watch face and click the “ CHANGE WATCH FACE ” button. The clock face may take 1-2 minutes to load, depending on the size of the file. IF IT FAILS
Try lowering the upload speed. If it still doesn’t work, press and hold the icon of the Hello Haylou program, enter the “application information” section, say “force stop”, click the “clear data” button and CLEAR Cache ONLY. Open the program and try to install it again.
With the Hello Haylou application, you can also have many features that are not available in the original program of the watch, and you can use your watch more efficiently.
Please do not install crack programs, this may damage your phone. Always use the original program.
Hello to try to buy Haylo application and CLICK



Haylou Solar Watchface Editor


How to make a simple dial?



Using the software is quite simple, in fact, it is no different than using excel.
Everything consists of images with png extension.
The black parts in the pictures can be adjusted as transparent.
All you have to do is create the clock background and numbers and texts and upload them to the program.
You can even make a watch face with Paint. Below are the usage details of the program.

Haylou Solar Watchface ToolA simple tool for packing and unpacking .bin watchfaces for Haylou Solar

Important! To run this application, .NET 5.0 Runtime must also be installed. You  can download it here .

How to install watchfaces
You can install custom watchfaces with Hello Haylou app. Download (Android).

  1. Copy bin file to your smartphone;
  2. In Hello Haylou app go to More -> Watch face -> Custom files tab;
  3. Add watchface from explorer and install it;
  4. Enjoy your new watchface!


If program looks cropped, you most likely have screen scaling enabled. You need to click on the exe file with the right mouse button, go to the properties, the compatibility tab, click the button “Change the high dpi parameters”, in the window that opens, check the box next to “Override the high resolution scaling mode” and select “System”.All images must have .png extension and 16 or
24bpp (color depth, Adobe Photoshop uses 24bpp by default)! All images of one element must have the same size!

Haylou Solar has 240*240px screen.

Short info about watchface elements:

  • Hours hand : 1 image, 240*240px, X and Y = 0;
  • Minutes hand : 1 image, 240*240px, X and Y = 0;
  • Seconds hand : 1 image, 240*240px, X and Y = 0;
  • Hours digits : 14 images, digits, digital hours representation;
  • Minutes digits : 14 images, digits, digital minutes representation;
  • Seconds digits : 14 images, digits, digital seconds representation;
  • Battery images : 5 images, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% battery charge;
  • Connection images : 1 image – shows only when connected to phone, 2 images – connected & not connected;
  • Preview : 1 image, 240*240px, preview image on watchface selector on watch, X and Y = 0;
  • Months digits : 14 images, digits, month number;
  • Months names : 12 or 24 images, first 12 of 24 – chinese;
  • Day digits : 14 images, digits, day of month;
  • Days of week : 7 or 14 images, first 7 of 14 – chinese, start from sunday;
  • Am/Pm text : 4 images, first 2 – chinese;
  • Background : 1 image or 5 images (animation), 240*240px, X and Y = 0;
  • Pulse images : 1 image or 2 – 11 images continuous animation, works only when the watch is on hand;
  • Pulse digits : 14 images, digits, current bpm;
  • Weather images : 16 images, currect weather icon;
  • Temperature digits : 14 images, digits, current temperature;
  • Celsius/Fahrenheit text : 2 images, °C or °F;
  • Bpm text : 2 images, first – chinese, just ‘bpm’ text;
  • Steps digits : 14 images, digits, count of steps;
  • Steps text : 2 images, first – chinese, just ‘steps’ text;
  • Full year digits : 14 images, digits, full year;
  • Calories images : 11 images, continuous animation;
  • Calories digits : 14 images, digits, calories burned;
  • Calories text : 2 images, first – chinese, ‘kcal’ text;
  • Steps images : 11 images, fills more steps you do;
  • Battery digits : 14 images, digits, battery charge in percents;
  • Pulse hundreds digits : 14 images, digits, hundreds of heart rate value;
  • Pulse tens digits : 14 images, digits, tens of heart rate value;
  • Pulse ones digits : 14 images, digits, ones of heart rate value;
  • Steps ten thousands digits : 14 images, digits, ten thousands of steps value;
  • Steps thousands digits : 14 images, digits, thousands of steps value;
  • Steps hundreds digits : 14 images, digits, hundreds of steps value;
  • Steps tens digits : 14 images, digits, tens of steps value;
  • Steps ones digits : 14 images, digits, ones of steps value;
  • Calories thousands digits : 14 images, digits, thousands of calories burned value;
  • Calories hundreds digits : 14 images, digits, hundreds of calories burned value;
  • Calories tens digits : 14 images, digits, tens of calories burned value;
  • Calories ones digits : 14 images, digits, ones of calories burned value;
  • Kilometres digits : 14 images, digits, kilometres you travelled today;
  • Km/Mi text : 4 images, first 2 – chinese, ‘km’ or ‘mi’ text;

14 images digits means: ‘-‘ (dash), ‘.’ (dot), ‘/’ (slash), ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘:’ (colon).

Weather images order:


Amazfit Watchface Editör



Guys, this editor is not for Haylou Solar.
If you say what we use it for, we port the watch faces made for Amazfit watches that you download from other sites according to our own time through this program. We can open the watch face and get the picture files separately. We reduce image sizes according to our own clock. Thus, we can make the same watch face with the Haylou Solar Watch face generator program. Paste this program directly under C and do not have spaces etc in the folder name. Not all files that you can find from other sites are opened in this program. You have to do trial and error.

Upgrade your Solar Clock from 854 to 1947

Your watch version is stuck at 854 and you can’t update it to 1947??
Install the httpcanary program on a phone with Android 8 or 9 (it would be nice if it was full)
Then do what is described in the video below.

Uploading Bin files to the watch with the Haylou Fit program

It is possible to do this. Watch the video below carefully.